SiteSee is a cloud-based technology company. Over the past five years, SiteSee has developed an industry specific solution for the automated as-built assessment of communication towers using machine learning and other proven and emerging technologies. Having received investment from Stephen Baxter, Seven West Media and Muru-D, SiteSee
has been recognised internationally by organisations such as TowerXchange and Bentley
Systems as a reality modelling solutions provider. SiteSee’s ‘zero-climb’ tower auditing solution is a faster, smarter, safer, more cost effective and scalable solution for accurately understanding the as-built condition of communication towers.
Leveraging UAV / Drone captured imagery of communication towers, SiteSee delivers sub-centimeter accurate, 3D digital twins and automated condition assessment reports. SiteSee’s web accessible SaaS enables authorised users to inspect, measure and analyse their infrastructure to make informed decisions without costly site visits or hazardous tower climbs.
Once programmed, LX300TM Airtract will automatically spray your crop with unique precision, recording spraying activities for better production management.